Client Books

CORONA MANIA (Kindle Format)

The cover for a humorous book about the virus. Azon refused to publish it because Tony Aspler, the author, is not a doctor! No sense of humor there!




FIND YOUR SONG (Kindle, Paper Back Format)

Bob McGill wrote this exrtaoerdinaray book of poetry such as you’ve never read before. From the wild west to lost love, from bars to Shakespeare this book will dazzle you. I published it.




A short story by Gar Mallinson.





The author already had his title but he needed a strong sub-title and I provided it. 

The story was about serial killers mudering steewalkers. 

When the women solict customers on the street, they call it The Stroll. That’s where I got the idea. He knew that but he had not thought of it at the time. That’s the kind of new look that can bring good ideas to your books too!